Fire Extinguishers’ Stands

Stands for fire extinguishers are suitable for spaces where wall drilling isn’t suitable or desirable. Design and non-slippery features provide the necessary stability.

Bent Fire Extinguisher Stand

Fire Extinguisher Stand with bent base. Suitable for all fire extinguishers of sizes up to 12 kg.

Material: Steel, Powder Coating Paint RAL3000

Height: 65cm

Weight: 1.5 kg

Basic Fire Extinguisher Stand

Basic fire extinguisher stand suitable for any extinguisher up to 12 kg.

Material: Steel, Powder Coating Paint RAL3000

Hight: 65 cm

Weight: 1.6 kg

Double Fire Extinguisher Stand

Double fire extinguisher stand suitable for two extinguishers simultaneously. Suitable for all extinguishers of the size up to 12 kg.

Material: Steel, Powder Coating Paint RAL3000

Hight: 65 cm

Weight: 1.6 kg

Fire Extinguisher Stand With the Fixing Cord

Basic and double fire extinguisher stand can be equipped with adjustable fixing cord for extra safety. Suitable for all extinguishers of the sizes up to 12 kg.

Material: Steel, Powder Coating Paint RAL3000, Adjustable Fixation Cord

Weight: 65 cm

Height: 1.6 kg